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Thursday, June 10, 2010


not much grosses me out. seriously. spiders: totally cool. bees: they make honey! mice: small but fine. snakes: are fairly interesting.

however there are some things that just freak the heck out of me! dead fish (i don't know why and i am sure my dad has always regretted giving me that aquarium), centipedes (they just don't die) and MAGGOTS!!!!!!

guess what i found today...apparently living in my kitchen mat. yup, you guessed it...maggots. first i found one. then i lifted the rug and i found a dozen. i shook the rug and they just kept falling...ahhhhhhhhh. i am getting the creepy crawlys just thinking about it...gross gross gross! what is with the multiplication, one is enough thank you!

as i burn those little things in the dryer i just thought i would ask...what freaks the heck out of you?


casey said...

big loogies and the sound of people coughing up phlegm. I could never work on a respiratory unit...

Tracey Robertson said...

ahh my poor cousin then because she is a respiratory therapist!

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