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Friday, June 11, 2010

kitty grass

so i changed my background another time (actually on both blogs). i like the change. i think i could change it every month. sigh. that makes me think i should never own a home because i think i would constantly change the colour of my house every month too. i just love colour, art and design!

not much going on right now. i have skipped my last two work outs. i felt a tiny bit guilty in terms of my marathon training but at the same time okay. my body is obviously tired and needs a rest (i went to bed at 9pm and woke up at 7am the other day??!!) between that and my jobs i am working hard. i have to remember to enjoy this time since it is my summer vacation!

just thought i would i would share my latest love. i can't keep a plant alive if my life counted on it. sad but true. last year i bought two pots for inside the house to hold some pretty flowers that just failed to get watered and shrivelled up and died. mark, an absolutely amazingly fantastic green thumb has helped me this year by giving cat grass a home in my pot. i love it, and it looks pretty at my desk. plus, its added fiber for kitty...he he he

have a great night...going to listen to glee and relax...i could use it!



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