i used to be so good about taking pictures but i am finding myself getting a little off track. alas. here are a few of this month...some may be from repeat posts!
Mark and I redeemed our cooking class gift that we received from Wendy and David at Christmas. We made Jamaican patties, Jerk Chicken and Johnny Cakes and so much more. Lots of fun and delicious eats!
We took a drive to the greenhouses and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the canola is with the dark clouds in the sky.
First green onion cake of the summer at the Taste of Edmonton. I later went on to have about three or four...;)
We went with Mark's mom and they had the candied bacon on a stick. So fun.
Met up with the girlies after the K-days parade. Casey had to leave cause of work but I hung out with Jeaninne and little P.
Something Mark and I have really been enjoying is exploring the outskirts of our neighborhood. Especially the river valley on this side. The bugs can't keep us away!
Happy Anniversary to us! Delicious meal!
Is it love or exasperation? Or a bit of both? tee hee
Berg Lake Trail on the bridge right before Whitehorn
Beautiful flowers, wild and all.
Hottie! At Tabbagon falls.
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