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Sunday, January 01, 2012

A new year with new possibilities and new adventures

Happy new year! Not only that but this is the year that is projected to be the last (you know what i mean: after the last projection didn't work out). Better make this one count!

In all honesty January is probably my least favourite month. I have never been a fan of new years and new beginnings (contrary to my title). I usually like the year I was in very much (I thrive on change can't you tell?) he he. Not only that but the hype of the Christmas season is gone and it makes me a little sad.

This year was particularly tough, the end part I mean. It was really hard saying good bye to my parents as i had so much fun with them over Christmas. Not that i wasn't expecting to have fun, but it was more than i realized was possible! Sigh. Accolades go to Mark as it was his idea to go in the first place. Good thing coming home I am welcome by another fun family (that being Mark's). It makes the transition easier.

What i tend to do so i don't dwell on the January blues is that every year gets better. It may not but I seem to always perceive it to be as life continues to get better and better.

I looked back at my old goals from last year and I was proud to see I accomplished them all (some better than others but does that really matter).

With scrapbooking I managed to finish two projects for two very special people. I got all my 2009 and 2010 pictures in an album. It feels good and just makes me want to keep on doing it.

Traveling lead us to some very fantastic places this year. It's been talked about before so why dwell but I really couldn't ask for anything more!

With regards to reading, thank goodness for my library card. It put more incentive for me to read as I knew they would come due soon. Who knew? He he

In terms of eating and exercising I think both have been done pretty well. Of course I still love my sweets but cooking is overall more healthy with loads more fruit and veggies being eaten. And I couldn't have been more happy with my running this year. Just need to get started again!

I don't know if I will even start some goals this year but rather continue the same as last year. With a wedding to plan and finishing up my degree it is going to be a very busy year. Thus no more photo blog, BUT more pics on this blog again!

So here is to new beginnings, possibilities and adventures! I will make my best effort to welcome them as really this could very well be the end ;)



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