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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3 more days...

three more days people....eek!!! getting excited??? i am. everything is all together, i just have to buy a few grocery items and some wrapping paper as i ran out. but other than that i am really just counting down the days till the big guy comes!

today i attempted my first workout in (i don't even want to recall) how long. it felt fantastic and i am hoping to get back into the routine as i really do value what exercise brings to me.

in terms of christmas-y things. i went to my old job's christmas concert to see my former clients perform in all their christmas glory. they did fantastic and i must say i really do miss those guys. luckily i am able to go back for a bit of relief work this year and next. it was a fun day to hang out with them and all my former co-workers. YOU ALL DID SO AWESOME! :)

till tomorrow!!


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