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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

spring cleaning

with the creation of facebook i see into the lives of many friends all at once. spring cleaning is what everyone is saying today. i love a clean house. sometimes, when i have a million things on the go, i.e. grocery shopping, studying, paper writing, working...i will start cleaning. stress? maybe, but i just love organization and i love the finished product.

cleaning is something that mark despises. when i look at him, i see mass chaos. yet he seems to survive quite well, better, without my underlying ocd need to create order. that was one of the most difficult things we had to adjust to when we started living together. my difficulty in "letting go", realizing not everything is an emergency and i can function. his difficulty and wonder of why i need things the way they are. it was very hard and stupid fights would ensue. yet with fights you learn and love. our relationship grew and we accepted our differences.

NOW that we have adjusted to living with each other compromise has begun. mark helps me clean even though i know how much he truly utterly dislikes (maybe even hates?) it. yet he chooses to help. i on the other hand, let go of the need to nag and harass him to do things that really are not important to him. in the end it is just a stupid dirty dish.

isn't it amazing what a little spring cleaning can get you thinking about.



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