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Saturday, October 10, 2015


Okay so that was an overly dramatic title. Everyone is safe and no crimes have been committed yet.  Mark Edey has just taken over Tracey's blog without asking.  In my own defence I do it for all the best reasons.   This blog is for Tracey to share what is important to her to those she cares about.  It doesn't appear in feeds.  You have to care to read it.  It just won't find you as easily as other social media might.   
That's the where, now for why,   Today was the best day of my life so far and I want to brag to people who don't have to hear but would like too.  Tracey thinks and plans ahead and so has fabulous tools like these to use where I do not. So I took them (temporarily). I woke up, walked my dog, loved my girls.  Cuddles, kisses, and pets.  Tracey is a fantastic mom.  Everyone is healthy. My cup runeth over.  Drink in our joy and know that if you are in our life than you have helped lead us to these most wonderous of moments.  
Thank you.


~R said...

Mark! You've turned into a serious pile of mush! Babies will do that to you. Enjoy those sweet baby snuggles - they sure are a joy, and before long they wriggle away. (Then you just have to have another one.) And you're right - Carys is lucky to have a fabulous mom! Hope your last day at home is passing slowly for all of you. Love, Sis

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your bog. What a proud dad you are. You have so many wonderful times and adventures ahead with your wonderful family, Take it from your in laws ,it's a blast being parents.

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