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Thursday, October 15, 2015

It's been one week.

One week yesterday I went to the doctor. She did a little procedure to induce labour.
I didn't think it worked until when it actually did. And boy did it!
Breathing through contractions, and possibly vomiting I realized then and there I don't need to be a hero. 
As the nurse said, there are no prizes in the end.
So I took the epidural. As Jeaninne said, it's like being at the spa. It truly was. Amazing. 
Then she decided to arrive in the morning. One week ago today. 

She gave me uncontrollable hormones that made me laugh and cry in an instant. 
I became sore in places I never even dreamed of. 
I had to give up sugar for a few months to ensure her safety and health.
And the sleep exhaustion is crazy making me pretty grumpy and according to some not easy to be around. 
But I wouldn't have it any other way. 

She is sublime. 
I'm enamoured every time I look at her. 
Her coos and caas.
Her little horse neigh when she is upset. 
Watching her little reflexes as she holds her head high, or does a cute little genie yawn or attempts to run out of the bath. 

She has made me and my husband very happy. Plus grandparents, aunts and uncles. We are so lucky. 

And I got my cupcakes but she is so much better!

Happy one week birthday. 



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