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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

A new year, new beginnings and a new life!

Happy new year all! Hope all of you have embraced this lovely day with excitement and fervor! Myself I mixed it with a bit of musical madness, pancake shapes and a lovely skate outdoors with my partner! Really can't get better but it has....

Welcome to the world  new little nephew! I will give you a bit of anonymity as the webverse doesn't need to know all your details. Just know that many are very excited about your arrival. And you arrived at a perfect time to see your grandparents, you obviously couldn't wait to see them as they to you! There is so much love around you right now. Even though you are far from some, the love is there. I won't go all cheesy on you, I don't want to be that crazy aunt, he he. But I am wishing you a most exciting year that is ahead. It will be full of milestones, mischief, adventures, laughter and love (probably should be the case for all of us, shouldn't it).

So to the year ahead for the new little guy and all of us....make everything count!



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