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Monday, September 10, 2012

How does it feel?

I am at a stage right at this very moment of extreme frustration, a little bit of anger and wonder.

Our car got broken between last night and today. As I went into the car this afternoon to scoot off to work I noticed the change drawer had been ripped out of the car.

My first instinct was "Awe, Mark needed coffee money this morning and he was in a rush".

But as I further explored I noticed garbage strewn on the ground. Why would Mark do that? Then glass in the backseat. Then a broken window. I know Mark isn't that desperate for coffee money...atleast I hope not. He he he.

Knowing we really keep absolutely no value in the car except for change to pay for parking, or a car wash, I wasn't too worried about anything missing. But I was still frustrated. The future hassle for just 2-5 dollars seems quite ridiculous. Especially when the repairs might be 100 times more that.

I then had a cancelled my shift for work and extra calls needing to be made. That was where the feeling of anger may have occurred. What can I say, I hate added nuisance.

Then wonder came. Further reinforced by Mark (who I am incredibly thankful for as he came home as soon as he heard my shaky voice). Both of our thoughts went to the idea of what gets a person to the point where they would do that to someones property for simple amount of change.

Just that thought makes me sad, and sort of frightened for them that they were that desperate to steal so little.

Just a little thought. That little thought helps a bit with the frustrating and angry thoughts. And I will cling to that little thought when the frustration and anger may start to intrude my brain during the next few days and try to escalate. Because its a sad thought that deserves my compassion and should supersede frustration and anger.



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