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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


yesterday was not a good day. it may be quite minor when i look back on it in the years ahead, but for me, yesterday, i was not happy. i am organized, it seemed that my organization just left. AND I HATE IT WHEN THINGS AREN'T ORGANIZED! he he he. ugh. then when i went to bed, all i thought about was the night and it kept circling in my dreams....leading to a not so pleasent sleep!

now, as i write this i hear my parent's voices in my head. "i can do this. we don't quit. it will get easier". others (like mark's) words of encouragement go a long way too as there are days, when i know that i am okay, but it helps when others believe in me too!

wow, this rotation is hard. now on to the next day, today! today is a new day! :)



Anonymous said...

It is nice to think that you hear my voice even when I am not around!If you knew everything you need to about Nursing care you would not need the practice. Give yourself a break. It is cause you are learning new things that it is hard. I believe with all my motherly instinct you are going to make a fabulous nurse. You are smart, compassionate, but most of all, you have great genes ie your mama and papa"s. Love ya sweetie!!!!!!

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