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Friday, October 29, 2010

snow, snow, snow

so we had our first little snowfall this week. not a ton, but enough to force me to bring out the uggs and mitts. and enough to get me thinking a little bit about christmas. i guess i should rephrase that...a little more about christmas. already, jimi and i have plans of packing a parcel up for my parents. we are told that we should deliver before december 1st or the prices go up. with these thoughts i am thinking of doing something special on my blog about the christmas season (stay tuned). it only makes sense since it is my favourite time of the year. hopefully i will be able to do it as it may take some time and i am finding my clinicals very busy (what's working out, again???).

in terms of other things in my life: going pretty good.

- pretty busy this week with night shifts. its funny because i could eventually run into days where i won't see mark, because of shift work. this week, i drove him to his placement so that we could atleast talk about the days we had, and i called him on my breaks. i guess we have to find the small moments sometimes.
- i finished one (pretty big) assignment this week and it always seems to be a great feeling to have one of those down (even when you are up till 2:30am to finish it and up at 7am to present it...the downside of night shifts and homework).
- tomorrow i will be celebrating jeaninne's birthday part II. so all in all, can't complain.



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