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Monday, September 06, 2010

north coast trail

since i have exhausted myself talking to various people about this place i thought i would do a little collage in pictures of our hike (click on the actual image if you would like a better visual...MOM) AND if you would like to learn about this hike click on the title of this blog as the link gives a fairly detailed version of what we did (minus the lighthouse portion as we skipped it)

okay here it goes...hopefully this can be followed. starting in the upper left corner of small pictures: 1. sand on the beach 2. mud (we got up close and personal with lots of this) 3. bear prints on the sand (and back to the left again) 4. seagulls 5. writing 6. myself on a happier day...must not have been the first two ;) going to the right is 7. me...looking happy but i am pretty sure that i wasn't: having just finished bushwhacking through a fake trail and no where near the end point with bogs and mud galore! 8. of the many tiny sea life we saw. 9. back to the left is myself reeling in the cable car to get us across the river. 10. a view from our starting point. 11. mark using one of the many ropes on this trail to get us to our destination. this one was by far the steepest we had to climb down having just finished climbing up. 12. the tide is in leaving us "beached" 13. three hours later we can finally cross 14. a happy couple 15. a little bit of nature 16. on the beach for a nice pose. this was some of my favourite hiking. 17. just look at all that mud 18. walking through the seagull swarm...that was quite fun! 19. ahh see you can even see how much i love the beach walking 20. mark doing his share (or maybe more) of the cable car pulling.

hope you enjoyed our hiking vacation! :)


Jimmy said...

Sweet Pics Tracey!

Looks like you had fun :) WEEEE!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures!!!! You are smiling alot! mama

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