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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Family of three

With all my wallowing and self pity who would of thought of a turn around? But when your in bed by 1100 and sleep in till 1100 (with a brief intermission of family bonding at 4-5am of hacking and sneezing) you can do almost anything!

That anything included a dog walk (with minor modifications that included breast feeding prior to walk starting). Love our carrier. And loved more conversing with my partner and love. Seeing my friend Bailey on the walk and her new foster pup. Hearing the ice slush against the water. Watching my dog bound through the woods. 

A visit to the hospital to check in with grandad and see how things are going. We may have shown our crazy cleanliness in there but I don't care as I'm done with us all being sick!!!

And last but not least going out to dinner! That's right 6 weeks old infant and we made it to a restaurant. Indian buffet the best kind of food too!  Maybe that isn't a feat but to us it seemed awesome and fantastic. 

Family of three adventures have begun!!



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