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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The joys to be young

I got to hang out with one of my dear friends and her three year old daughter. This is what I learned from her today. 

Playgrounds are really fun. I don't know when they stopped being as exciting. Possibly it was about the time when i didn't enjoy the slide as just a slide or the swing as just a swing. It was when the equipment had other purposes to the made up games we would make to make it even MORE fun. 

When leaving the playground it is the end of the world. It is the biggest problem and in fairness it is a big problem as you don't get to control when you want to leave. Poor little bug. I feel your pain. 

Finally having to leave that playground and feeling very upset I am reminded of what my dad used to say when I longed to be a grown up and make grown up decisions and be rid of being told what to do. "One day, Tracey, you will make those decisions and you will long to be a child.  Cherish being young."

Dad you were right. 



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