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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

post valentine's day

hope everyone had a very happy heart day. everything was pretty laid back here. mark once again came through with his personalized cards that i love ever so much. that, indian food (again), with a little bit of chocolate in the mix made me a very happy gal....ON TOP OF THAT, i was lucky enough to receive another valentine in the mail (LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD XOXOXOXOX)

actually speaking of my lovely parents. i was talking to them the night before and joked around with mom that valentine's was really for the women. therefore, girls shouldn't feel obligated to get their partners anything. guess what. that is just what she did, he he. dad gave her a card and roses, then asked if he got sold me down the river saying that i said it was a women's day. lol. little did i know she would take me literally. ahh you both make me laugh so hard (especially since i talked to my beloved father today and he doesn't look/sound too crushed).

gotta go now. pretty tired since i have been studying (research no less). have to get as much down now before i see the sun, surf, sand and everything else wonderful that starts with an s!



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