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Monday, February 21, 2011


thanks to my marvelous brother, it looks like i am able to make a blogpost (or maybe two) on this trip! thanks for lending us the laptop jim...its been a lifesaver a couple times thus far. we have arrived on the island of kaua'i. so far we've been having a marvelous time. it was a rough start when our plane got delayed (for six hours) in san fransico leaving us wondering about our connecting flight and haggling with our rental car company. BUT all worked out so the focus on the negative is gone.

yesterday was a day of rain, humidity and activity. we saw many sights with the fog giving a feeling of mysticism to the scenery. very nice! we took a try at paddle boarding. hard to balance but tons of fun! mark even attempted to surf...he did pretty good. we rented from a lady who moved here from b.c. in 1973. this has led me to coercing mark to live far it is not working! :)

today was another busy day without the rain. we visited queens bath, kilauea lighthouse and (of course) melvin the parrot. not to mention drinking fresh coconut milk from the very thing itself! our activity of the day was surfing on hanalei beach. very fun although my wrist is paying for it now and probably will pay more tomorrow. i have many months after this for it to heal, right? i can already see mom rolling her eyes.

that sums up the trip thus far. but i must mention the food before i sign off. best burgers were from bubba's. we have tried ahi tuna (fabulous) and onaga (more fabulous). cooked with coconut oil (i think i going to bring it home by the gallon, jk) and speaking of coconut, we have enjoyed some coconut dates. everything has been way to good to us! it has been nice to stay in this condo (it has a dishwasher...eek) so we can cook all our meals for dinner...really do i ever have to go home???

tomorrow is the kalalau hike. hopefully all fairs well!

lots of love...till next time


Anonymous said...

Wow I am so glad you two are having fun.. Moving there well....all I can say what a great place to visit, Enjoy enjoy enjoy. love you two!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy things are going well and you are enjoying your trip! Miss you! xo J9

Tracey Robertson said...

Where are the pics of the food? Those were truly beautiful meals and should be shared with all! pic=1000 words and all (Tracey bugs me saying that she takes pictures of us and I take pictures of the food)

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