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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Love my friend

Remember this post. Probably not because it was so long ago. Regardless I have one more truly great and amazing person to talk about. Someone that I am so eternally grateful to have in my life. My wonderful friend, Casey.

Casey and me have been through a lot together. Just like Jeaninne, our friendship was pretty much solidified in high school. Although we did meet earlier, in jr. high, grade 7. She was one of the 10 girls that was in my jr. hight school class. All of us having moved schools to the big jr. high and me knowing no one. I remember she was pretty outgoing and could talk to anyone. Me, shy as can be, didn't really say much to her. I think her lasting memory during that year was my pink sweater (it was a lovely sweater). The year of grade 8 came and she got transferred to another jr. high (who knew that she would later come into my life and stay).

We lived through our high school days together with loads of laughter. We would have gym dates where we would just stay in the locker room and talk for hours then go eat some fast food. We would check out football games, see endless movies (where i would so eloquently fall asleep), have endless talks to the middle of the night during our sleepovers.

She came with me for the first couple of years of university and was my bar friend every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (hello academic warning to me). Both of us did loads of different schooling and then managed to go back and wide up in fairly similar careers of nursing (she likes more acute and littles vs me liking more subacute and olders).

With that we have quite a bit in common. She is my girl when I have had a bad day at work as she understands more about what I go through then most (really nurses understand nurses). She loves to craft, craft shopping and marketing. She loves to bake and homemake like me (and makes a killer grilled cheese). She let's me vent. She makes me laugh. She listens like no other. I love her kids (like seriously love them to bits) like I love my own. And quite frankly she is an amazing friend.

I don't know what I would have done in this maternity leave without her. She (with some other special people) have been lifesavers as I have adjusted to my new role as mother and life with babe (something I would never change or go back for). Her experience, advice and just her listening ears has been so special to me and meant all the world.

love you Casey!


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