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Saturday, September 10, 2016

11 months and counting

Oh my little but not so little one anymore. You are losing your baby face and starting to look more toddler-like everyday. You are full of life, love and goofiness. You mimic our laughs when we laugh, our coughs when we cough. You babble when we talk, even reading me a story or two in your own little language. I think I hear a few more sss, mmm, baa sounds in your little lips.
And let's just say you are everywhere and anywhere. Lots of new games, like me putting all your toys in either a tupperwear container, pot, basket....really anything and you tearing through it and dumping it everywhere. Ha Ha. We need to work on you putting things away next. ;) You also enjoy, "catch me mommy". That involves me chasing you around or holding you down as I try to change your diaper or clothes. RASCAL!
You love to climb up our stairs squealing with delight. Especially if it involves shoving a piece of dog food into your mouth or spilling all the water on the carpet. You pull all the DVD's off the shelf, go in our cupboards, and pull apart my dresser drawers or laundry basket. Plus you take apart the toilet paper and occasionally explore the toilet. Really you are just full of mischief and busy as can be.
You are itching to walk like no other. So much so that if we have done a few laps around the house with you holding my hands and I decide to take a break you may just "breakdown" yourself as you didn't want it to stop. You have a love/hate relationship with your walker as you love that it takes you places but hate it when you bump into things as you can't seem to steer it away from walls yet. I have caught you scaling the walls walking and your dad says that you took a few steps towards him the other day.
Yup, walking is on your mind. Dog walks have kind of made you a little infuriated as you don't want to be stuck in a carrier or stroller at the moment. I have even made a point of taking your walker to the dog park and let you test it out on the paved paths. AND people find you absolutely adorable, "What beautiful blue eyes and hair you have." You are catching everyone's eye.
Summer is almost coming to an end. We managed to do quite a bit. Picnic lunches with our mom's group, lots of swimming at both beach, outdoor pool, splash park and legislature, visits to see second cousins and great great aunts, corn maze shenanigans, green onions cakes at the fringe, and visits to the park. Plus we can't forget catching the olympics from time to time! Lots of fun.  And you definitely had it! You are pretty fantastic to go out and about as you are definitely a social baby. Anytime you see an older child you go right up to them with a big smile on your face and shout, "Da, Ba!"

As I say, look out world, she is a coming! :)


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