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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Fall time

Every year I have one of those fantastic moments with fall. This morning it came again. I had to do an early morning dog walk, something I haven't done in a very long time (talking possibly pre-pregnancy). 

Loaded the car, got the diaper bag ready, snacks, leash and ball. Dressed x 2. And off we went. Quite a feat since I usually like to 'wake up' in the am. 
Well lucky me. There was few people at the park. A lovely fog surrounded the area. And I got to be present when it lifted. Sun breaking through the clouds.  Blue sky. Amazing amount of spider webs lit with dew/frost (which I coincidentally read about and this is the time of year you see them in abbundance). Crisp air. Red, orange and yellow leaves. And the smell of wet leaves (that I actually like). 
I heart fall. 


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