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Friday, July 15, 2016

Let's go to the east!

We were off again. Myself and babe. New Brunswick bound. This time for a whopping three weeks! And you know what?! It was pretty fantastic! As per usual I was nervous flying. Why oh why would I choose a midnight flight with a baby??!! But guess what. It was only one (slightly) rough day with no jet lag for both of us as we recovered nicely with our lack of sleep one day to our tremendous amount of sleep the next in the right time zone! Yay! Note to self: would totally do that again (although not with Mark, he hates those flights).
Once there mom and dad had all my favourite foodie things: sugar doughnuts and raspberry jam, mussels, lobster rolls (and lobster), tuna burgers, poached apples and pork chops, gumdrop cookies, and butterscotch pie. YUM. And yup, time to start working out for moi!
For the first little bit the babe did a bit of strangeness with everyone. But slowly and surly she warmed up to Grampie and Grammie (or Gam, or Ga as that seemed to be said by babe and Grammie exclaimed, "She knows my name!"). Every morning she would have some grandparent time as I would sneak off to bed. Lots of play and then her outdoor walk with Grampie as he tossed her on his shoulders and paraded down to the woods. Apparently they did lots of chatting throughout.

Then we would all rest for a morning nap and be off to whatever the day brought. That would be visiting relatives, going for ice cream down the street, and visiting relatives. Uncle Ron, Aunt Barb, Aunt Mary, Nan, Cheryl and Keith, Margaret and her partner, Kathryn, Josh and their little man, Ian and Karen and their kids, Rino and Beth, Heidi and Ryan with their little man, Jason and Angela and their three, and let's just say the whole village of Stanley.

No joke about the last statement. On Canada Day everyone that I saw with Grammie would go, "This must be your granddaughter." Yes it looks like I am related to a little mini celebrity. Speaking of Canada Day, Grammie had their own float for the "Quilters" that Grampie drove down. Very exciting. And the parade, although small had heart!! Wheelers, farm animals, fire trucks, with candy, chips and freezies to hand out to all the littles.  And there was the "Village of Stanley" float where they did an honorary mention to both MY Grammie and Grampie for their work on the council. Way for me to think about the generations and the history of this place (i.e. my summers with my grandparents and my little love for that place). Plus I had the added bonus of seeing the fireworks with my husband on FaceTime as my dad was on fire duty and my mom was babysitting.

Another trip involved seeing the camp that my Grampie helped build. I don't think I had been there since I was a little girl. We had sandwiches, did the tour around the place, walk the beach, admire the lake. AND admire the butterflies, sample the wild strawberries and catch a look at the tadpoles. Downside those blackflies were out. Upside, babe seemed to have to reaction to them even as she got bit, poor thing.
here was some downtime away from the little one at times. Mom and I went to bootcamp a couple of times, yoga and of course got to see a bunch of movies on their android box. PLUS my indulgence Orange is the New Black and Game of Thrones, the later that I still haven't stopped thinking about. Gosh I love that show!

AND I had some Dad time too, kayaking the Nashwaak, twice! The first was slightly shallower than the second as I may have had to get out and push my kayak out of the rocks. Nashwaak 1, Tracey 0. But then the second time around I rocked it. Nashwaak 1, Tracey 1. Plus at that time my husband had come so that is always nice.

Plus I got the ultimate tour of the firehall. That's right, fireman's daughter right here. I got to try on the uniform (heavy), go in the truck and look at the whole hall and check out the vehicles. Very cool. Don't think I could do it though, even though Backdraft is still a favourite. That is tough stuff as that uniform is heavy and I wasn't even hauling a hose or anything. YIKES!

AND so I don't go on and on here are a few other things done. I got to go running in the evenings. Running legs are a little rusty but they got activated! We visited Killarney Lake where sand was eaten and baby tossing in the water was had. Hysterical giggles had by all as many spectators couldn't stop laughing as well. BBQ's with family. Dipping in the kiddie pool. Dipping in the river. Visiting a covered bridge, suspension bridge, oh my!

And then Mark came for the last week. Tours of the Woodsman museum, Fall Brook Falls, Region Museum in Fredericton where we saw my Great Grandfather's crutches. Walks on the bridge in Fredericton. Real fish and chips by the lake. Tours of Stanley where we had some ice cream and saw a black bear! Church dinner with real strawberry shortcake and three jelly salads with marshmallows!! Then walk through the Baptist and United church cemetery.

And my personal favourite thing to do was sit on the veranda in the screen room at night swinging on the swing. I loved hearing the bullfrogs croak and looking at all the lightening bugs in the night sky. Another fond memory of my childhood as I remember when my cousins would collect them in jars with grass on the bottom (they never stayed lit...i wonder why? wink wink). I would in turn sit with my grampie, aka my buddy, as he would make moose calls out in the distant. AND he was pretty good too.

Then we were on the plane again. And might I say, flying with two is way easier than flying with one! I even caught a movie this time around. And we survived with fewer meltdowns than usual, even with a three hour delay.

I found this visit brought on quite a bit of nostalgia for me as I was bringing my little girl to a place that I would visit from the very city that I am currently in. I will treasure this trip just for that.



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