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Sunday, October 27, 2013

It's been a long week...

And it does keep going for a bit more.
I have been working quite a bit 
but have managed to have some nights and days off. 

Of them I have laughed. 
And laughed hard. 
Like when my significant other texted a friend. 
And started smack talking in a joking way. 
To find out that it was the wrong number,
Through a FaceTime chat. 

And of others I have cried. 
Wallowing a bit in self pity. 
But having my significant other listen to me. 
Hug me. 
And then attempt (and sort of) succeed 
in snapping me out. 

And then I have felt content. 
Having heart to heart talks with friends. 
Soaking in laughter and fun at a party. 
Enjoying dinner and brunch with family. 
Spending time alone watching movies,
Snuggled amongst blankets. 

I have a pretty grand life. And pretty grand people in it. 
I am lucky. And we are going to have a lot of fun!



Anonymous said...

You make our lives

special too. You dear dad says your just a bubble. I think that's good.

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