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Sunday, June 03, 2012

A week in my life

I love love love my summers. This is going to be the one thing I will miss once I start really working again. Although I guess I am still working now but it's different. Only cause I know what it feels like from before. He he. But anywho, summers are always the time I do many things. Mainly not caught up in a studying or researching. Frenzy.

Like this week for instance. I worked and worked another job. Then I ran and to increase my endurance a bit more I ran again with some strength training in between. I even got a chance to scrapbook! Eek I have missed that. And of course had to do one wedding thing, that license.

In between all that stuff I get to hang out with my wonderful and beautiful friends. Whether going out for dinner to some homemade Nepalese food or having a hot dog at a stand and going to a fun tiny candy store. Even attending a birthday party of someone you don't know and getting hilarious images of Borat at that party. He he he.

I love summer and what a wonderful week.



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