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Monday, April 11, 2011

i cracked...

i was so strong for so many months. four to be exact. but i just couldn't help myself. i have been thinking about it since friday. i came so close on that day to getting it but forced myself to drive away...unsatisfied. but it is study week. so on the way home after working both jobs i had to stop...i couldn't help myself...i bought...



and guess what??? it was worth every bite! so good. he he he. as i told mark, new years resolutions are meant to be broken. AND this has probably satisfied my cravings for another 4-5 months.

so what does one do after breaking their resolution? sign up for a half marathon of course! yes, i am torturing my body once again (i swear, it is just like hiking, i forget about all the pain once it's all over). august 21st is d-day!. i am going to try and be a little gentler on my body this year focusing more on strength training and resistance with a little less running. by that i mean running three times a week instead of the usual four. however, my ultimate goal to keep my cardio up by riding my bike to work like i did two years ago. hopefully i can keep it up! THAT ladies and gents, is my summer goal!

off to procrastinate...


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