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Sunday, January 09, 2011

weekend of laziness

so many plans this weekend that just went totally and utterly awry. friday night we were suppose to go to a birthday party for one of mark's friends. as soon as mark got home, i knew it was a bust. he spent the majority of the night coughing and wheezing. the next morning after a chest x-ray and two visits to the doctor all is better and he is on some medication.

saturday was a blizzardy one. i decided to venture out into the vast amount of snow to work out (i really am that dedicated!) AND went grocery shopping (it was surprisingly busy for the amount of snow outside). as soon as i got home i decided on the importance of staying in and forgoing my dreams of an art gallery day and movie night (also mark was not really up for it). i made banana muffins (nutritious, even) and learned once and for all what that funky thing was in my mom's kitchen that i so very much loved to play with when i was young. this thing right here:

that's right a steamer! well i used it to make a delicious meal of steamed fish, peas, water chestnuts (and broccoli) once again jamie oliver came through for me! it was fantastic! and thanks to anita for telling me about the recipe in the first place!

i guess some days you really just need to chill out and relax...and if you don't want to, weather and illness will make you! :)



Jimmy said...

mmmmm banana muffins!


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