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Friday, February 26, 2010

happy moment

well i am just on a roll...two blogs in two days! how does that even happen?? :) i am sure this is just a fad.  its like the beginning of a exercise program - BUT, i have managed to keep that up, so this too may stay!

really i just wanted to write about a small, itty bitty, moment i had yesterday with mark. we have been together for 3 years now, and living together for a year in a bit. in that time, i think we have eaten together, at the actual dinner table 5 times (if that). AND it was all in the beginning of our relationship. you know, when your eyes are only for each other. since then we have recieved a beautiful table from mark's grandad and 4 equally beautiful chairs from mark's parents. yet, we still would eat supper elsewhere. i would be in front of the television, and he would join me or be at his computer. well yesterday marked a milestone. i had made slowcooked stew from the morning and bought a chocolate cake after school. when i got home i served us up some supper. i debated watching curling yet the chairs seemed to be calling me, enticing me to sit in their loveliness. so resigned and sat down. mark watching me from his "office" came over, poured us some milk and sat with me. we talked about school, olympics, and any other thing on our mind. it just felt so NICE (i know such a simple word, but a perfect one all the same). our little family (just me and mark...oooo and kitty) had a very simple yet beautiful moment together. we really should do it more!


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