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Friday, November 22, 2013

This is what I know

I love Christmas, as most people know. 
I feel it's officially time to celebrate as even hotels are doing it. 
Outdoor lights are an essential thing to have. 
Especially when there is an epic amount of snow outside. 
I also know that I don't think it is in my capabilities to decorate the trees outside. 
As it was an epic fail the first time I tried. 
The lights froze and got stiff. 
They tangled up and started to unplug as I flailed them onto a tree. 
And because I wasn't tall enough I used a rake to move them up. 
But that resulted in branches breaking. 
Thus resulting in the first Christmas activity that I have not enjoyed. 
Let's just say there were tears and lights strewn on our living room floor. 

But a husband was there to assure that he will attempt on his own. 
A Christmas present for me. 


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