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Monday, May 28, 2012

city chase

so i did something this weekend that i have wanted to do for the last five years. yes that is right...FIVE. when i first started dating mark we met up one time on a saturday in the summer time. we went for a walk around the city from mec, to an ice cream shop back to churchill square. during that said walk i saw many many many people running around in shirts looking for checkpoints. i didn't know then that it was the city chase...basically an amazing race in edmonton.

cut to me finding out about it three weeks ago. i was pumped and determined to do it. it took a little convincing on my part to get mark to do it but we did. AND IT WAS AWESOME! we found mark's cousins there and thankfully they were as we would not have been able to do it without them. their smartphones, knowledge and their buffering effect to prevent us from having a fighting meltdown proved useful. PLUS THEY WERE FUN! :)

what was it that we all did?? mark ate a worm, i held a snake, we climbed twelve flight of stairs, sculpted, did sit ups, played jack and jill with a bucket of water, rode segways, canoed to a quote, found a stranger to give a wagon ride, and i directed mark in the right direction blindfolded in a pool. it was fabulous and fun. perfect day, perfect weather AND i can't wait to do it next year! seriously it was awesome.

hope your weekend was just as fabulous!


Casey said...

That sounds like fun - Sal was pretty pumped when he found out what it was!

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