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Saturday, March 03, 2012

My goodness

My blogging has certainly taken a hit this semester. Maybe it's the ton of papers that need to be written that decreases my motivation to write more. He he so far I have done three and I think I have 6 more by the end of March. I say think because it's so many that I really must take this one week at a time.

Between that and applying for jobs I kind of feel like a ball of nerves just waiting for things to happen but not wanting to rush it either. Lol. Life really isn't all that tough, but I know that sometimes I sure can make it tough for myself. Lol.

In other news, kitty has been going on continuous visits to the vet. After a physical, blood work, urinalysis, ECG, and an ultrasound (seriously, I wish I wasn't joking) he can officially get dental surgery. He he, I am sure he is thrilled.

I have been reading a bit more leisurely and have finally gotten the Hunger Games from the library. Casey says its good and with the movie coming out, it intrigues me so I am pumped to start. Also rented a couple of movies (Erin Brockovich, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Wit). I will see if I get to watch them.

Hmmm what else? I have been continuing to work out but this week has taken a bit of a downturn. I am slightly sick with just a chest cold. And really who wants to work out when they are sick?

In wedding news, one of my best ladies found a dress which I am so very excited about. When we went shopping a week previously she was expressing some hilarious interpretations of what she will wear. Lol. But I heard this dress is not hilarious but very pretty. So excited to see it and kind of love that it's a surprise for me.

My one tiny regret that i haven't been doing (besides blogging) is scrapbooking. Sigh. And it looks like I may not be doing any till April. Well I guess I have many things to look forward too. But let's not rush it!

I think that's it for now folks. Enjoy the week and hopefully I will talk to you soon either in person or on here!



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