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Monday, March 05, 2007

where's the snow, marmot?

so last year i went skiing A LOT. well maybe not that much, but more than i had ever before as i managed to make it to the mountains six times. this trip was the last one i made (i think it was close to the end of march) in attendance jeaninne, dj, sarah (with still to be born baby liam), brian, and jeremy. woke up at 4:30am left by 5 and home that night (very extreme...smirk).

so do you notice anything lacking?? as we drove up to marmot, a slight panic rose to my throat as there was zip/zero/nilch/nadda snow at the bottom of the hill. i think the suggestion of driving to banff was pleaded many times...i am so glad the driver (brain) did not listen as it was a fantastic day of skiing!! no exaggeration, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, no wind, and the snow was fantastic on the top. i mean so awesome that i skied till my knees started knocking and my skis were crossing left right and center...or the snow got really slushy and heavy because of the sun contributing to the knee knocking and ski crossing (yeah yeah, excuses excuses).

the best feeling was at the end of the day when you are at the point of exhaustion (but not yet cranky), your face feels wind/sun burn, you smell like fresh air, you are regaining feeling in your toes and you are in a supreme good mood after kicking the mountain's a#$ and having it kick you back!


casey said...

i love these pictures...welcome to alberta, hey? I want to go to the mountains again!

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