Oh happy days. I realize I have not written on this blog in a long time. Truthfully, I have kind of cut myself off from social media a bit and I am kind of loving it. I am truly, utterly, no qualms about it, enjoying summer.
This is what I have been up to lately....
Yes of course I am going to talk about the dog. What a life force he has been in our lives. He can be wild, loving, disobedient, and obiedient...really he is just one crazy dog. He has given us some frustration as he runs off, and rolls in less than desireable substances. But with that we have laughed as he runs, plays, greets us with 'waggles' and when we bath him after those less than desireable substances, we get even.
Bonus about the dog is we have been forced to always be outdoors at least a half hour to hour a day as he needs two walks. It's nice to be out and about in the sun, and yes even the rain. With that, my running has kind of taken a bit of the wayside again this year. I do it on occasion but definitely not enough. Kind of miss it, but not that much. Funny how that is.
What I really was looking forward to this year was riding my bike. And I have taken it out a couple of times already and love it. I have a basket that I would love to rig up and then do grocery shopping. But don't think that is going to stop me from going places. All I am doing now is thinking of places to take it. I kind of feel like a kid riding it and it just makes me feel so happy. I may have called out my partner from the house just so he could watch me ride it....yes just like a child.
Speaking of my partner (and showing off pretty things), we got something he really enjoys. Yes. I can officially say we got a truck. A red one to boot. I, a girl born in the maritimes, who loves seafood and the ocean married an Alberta born, red meat loving boy who now owns a truck. He he. And he is really happy about it. I think it's a boy thing. Because every time I tell my friends husbands their eyes light up and they seem to want to know all about it.
Regardless I am happy as I hate hate hate vehicle shopping. Really and truly. When our other vehicle broke down I was dreading the whole process. Ugh. But we found one. It's ready and it's on the road. Yay!
And a big thank you thank you thank you to my inlaws that lent us their vehicle during the shopping process.
I really hate to say too much about work in fear of jinxing it but so far so good. Enjoying it immensely. Still tons to learn as always. But it's enjoyable and so far people have been so good. Being new is so intimidating and overwhelming at times but I am making by. And I kind of enjoy this casual business although keep thinking that I should probably get a second one in the fall...we shall see.
Bonus about casual is that I am not doing the six to eight in a row that I was doing before so I have a bit more down time. So yes I am attempting to garden, able to do some less than desireable spring cleaning (ugh our garage was discusting) and I get to see my....
Who I missed so much. Valuable get togethers that are so necessary for a girl to have. That is all I have to say about that.
Other than that, in my downtime at nights I have become addicted to....
Game of thrones
My parents lent me three seasons and oh dear it's addicting. I know I may be slow on the uptake as this is a show that many have watched and watching already. But holy cow. Addicting. I called my mom last night and discussed the show with her for a half an hour.
That's about it.
Hope your summer is treating you nicely too.